Mestre Môa: a legacy of resistance, art and ancestry

Although Môa's name may be unknown to many, his influence is felt in every gingado of capoeira, in the pulse of the Afro blocos during Salvador's Carnival, and in the strength of afoxé, which connects bodies to spirituality and ancestry. In Salvador, his presence still echoes like that of an enchanted ancestor, who guides and inspires. Môa has also dedicated his life to transformative social work, promoting the self-esteem of young black people from the periphery and re-signifying their identities.

Educator, composer, percussionist, master of capoeira angola, afoxé and Afro-Brazilian dance, Mestre Môa do Katendê left an immeasurable legacy in his 63 years of life. He personified Afro-Brazilian culture and dedicated his career to strengthening the roots of his community, creating bridges between tradition and cultural innovation.

The documentary Môa - Raiz Afro Mãe (2022), written and directed by Gustavo McNair, is a tribute to his greatness. Beginning in 2018, the year of his tragic death in an episode of political violence, the film revisits the Engenho Velho de Brotas neighbourhood, where Mestre Môa was born and created the afoxé bloco Badauê alongside Jorjão Bafafé. Popularised by Caetano Veloso's song Misteriosamente, Badauê revived street candomblé and left its mark between 1979 and 1992.


As well as Badauê, Môa composed memorable songs for Ilê Aiyê, Brazil's first Afro bloco, which celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2024. His art symbolised the africanisation of Bahia, at a time when American funk and black power were also influencing black youth. As the performer Negrizu, the ‘beautiful young man from Badauê’ from Beleza Pura (Caetano Veloso, 1979) tells us, it was in the afoxés and afro blocos that Bahia rediscovered its roots and transformed itself culturally.

Mestre Môa's story transcends his music and dance. It reflects the resistance and strength of a people fighting for dignity, spiritual connection and affirmation of their identity. His beats, memories and teachings live on, inspiring new generations to value their roots and build fairer, more vibrant futures.

Hier können Sie den Dokumentarfilm ansehen und das vollständige Interview lesen:

Foto: Ausschnitt aus dem Dokumentarfilm Môa. Credits: Kana Films



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