Reforestation to transform
Reforestation is possible. A harmonious and fairer world begins with respect for the environment. And you can be part of this urgent change! Planting a tree is a gesture of love for the planet and its living beings.
We want to give back to nature what decades of environmental destruction have destroyed.
The project aims to ensure that forests grow back, water sources flow again, and species of Brazilian fauna that are threatened with extinction find a safe haven again.
Be part of the restoration of the Atlantic Forest in Southern Bahia.
Be #reflorestaadalu!
Bank details
Post Finance
Swiss Post branch 8021 Zurich 1 Sihlpost
Kasernenstrasse 97
8004 Zurich
Adalu Association
IBAN CH48 0900 0000 6134 4823 4
We create cultural experiences with soul